The orders we get through our website are shipped through our courier partners. If the delivery service to the destination is available. We will ship your order to your door and shipping charge will be free or chargeable based on the product inside India. In absence of courier service to the desired location, we will ship the products through Indian Postal Service.
Delivery Time
It typically takes one to two business days to process your order after we received your payment, but it may take more than usual time depending on the production requirement and quantity ordered. We will inform you about the same. Once your order has shipped, we will email a shipping confirmation to you, including tracking number(s) if provided by the shipper. The usual delivery time is between 5-7 days of dispatch.
Shipping time and cost may differ for the orders from outside of India.
If the shipper provides Track & Trace functionality then we will email you this information.
If the shipping company cannot deliver your order, they will leave information of their visit, including a number to call. They will attempt to deliver once more at an agreed time.
We are not liable for any delay in delivery by the courier company / postal authorities and only guarantees to hand over the consignment to the courier company or postal authorities within 2 – 15 working days from the date of the order and payment or as per the delivery date agreed at the time of order confirmation. We recommend our customers to place an order early on if they have a deadline to meet.
Delivery of all orders will be to the registered address of the specified at the time of Order. We are in no way responsible for any damage to the order while in transit to the buyer.